Ken’s personal complexes

Does not matter how strong you are, we all have our weaknesses, even Ken has some. In a really private interview, he decided to let it go.

« I’m famous, I’m known as the perfect man. I have been created to fit with the perfect woman. I’m Ken, from Ken and Barbie, Barbie and Ken. I’m supposed to be strong… (a tear dropped down) sometime I can’t, I just can’t. I do all I can to live a normal life, but it’s hard when you are 10 » tall. You can’t do what a normal person does, it hurts my feeling.

Women love me, even though, they don’t realize, when they tell me « size does not matter », it hurts inside, it really does »


ken’s (from Barbie and Ken) unravel his weakness

interview by Tonino Rizzo-Boyce